Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Inter and Multi-Disciplinary Learning

The difference between interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary is the way the desciplines are mixed. The way that I remember the difference if someone were to break their leg, in a multidisciplinary business, they would have to find the only person that is trained to fix the broken leg. In an interdisciplinary business, everyone is trained to perform that duty.
My internship, I feel, is both. First, they are multidisciplinary. I am working on their emergency plan. I am working with an online program that requires me to meet with individual people because they each have information for the evacuation plan and no one overlaps in their knowledge. One is trained in the computer area, the other in the evacuation plan, the other in the emergency funding.
They are also interdisciplinary because the museum only has about 11 employees and so each person needs to be trained in multiple disciplines such as education, art, and child development. They all work together meshing their knowledge together so that they can accomplish their tasks.
Just recently, the museum changed the job titles of their educator guides...the people that give the school tours. They went from doing all the chores together to specializing in just specific areas. They went from interdisciplinary to multidisciplinary. They are trying to organize all the staff to be more multidisciplinary so that they can focus more on particular areas, but they continue to work in the interdisciplinary way.
The museum is definatly hierarchical because each one person answers to someone higher. I have been working on creating their Educator Guide Manual and one of the elements in the "Getting to Know Arizona Museum for Youth" is a chart that informs them who is located where in the scheme of ranking. Everyone in the company has this chart and even while I was typing in the position titles that were newly formed one of the main points were whom they were to 'answer to'. AMY is very focused on a person's ranking.

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